The 3 things you have to take into account when moving to another country
So, you have decided to move to another country, and a whole new life is waiting for you on the other side of the world, or for that matter just across the border. You are without a doubt excited, overwhelmed and scared all at once, and seemingly at a loss when it comes to knowing what to do and how to organize your international move. And while there are a lot of important decisions to make and difficult tasks to complete before moving to another country, packing for your international relocation should be one of your top priorities. Why the hurry? Shipping all of your household items to another country is not as easy as moving them to another state. There are 3 things you have to take into account when moving to another country. You are going to have to:
Make the correct choices as to what to take to your new home as shipping your belongings overseas is both very costly and very risky.
Pack your belongings with the highest care as they are going to travel a great distance and will continuously be loaded and unloaded.
Send your things as early as you can, as the shipping and delivery of your things will take a lot of time.
To do it all correctly, you are going to have to be well informed and well prepared. The international packing tips provided below are exactly what you need to know to avoid beginner and expensive mistakes when packing your things for the international relocation.
What you should pack for the international relocation

1) Your new lifestyle. Depending on the reason for your move, there will be some items that you will need to have in your new country. If you are relocating there to study, you will need your books and study materials, on the other hand, if you are going to retire to a rural country, you will probably bring along all your high-tech electronics and favorite entertainment items, etc.
2) Your new home. The type of residence you’re going to live in after the move will determine what kind of and how many household items to take with you. So, you are encouraged to research your housing options far in advance and pick the most suitable type of housing under the circumstances. Find out what belongings are already available, and ask for the size and the layout of the house, this will help you find out what exactly you are going to need and which of your things will fit in it.
3) What will help you feel at home? To be able to adapt more easily to your new country and adjust to your new environment. First, you need to feel comfortable, relaxed, safe and happy in your own home. So, think of all the little things that will make your new place feel like home, framed photos, family heirlooms, pieces of art, decorations, favorite pieces of furniture, etc. and make sure that you bring them with you.
4) The climate in your new country. Depending on the climatic conditions in your new country, you might or might not need certain items, such as fur coats if you are moving to the tropics. Also, keep in mind that high humidity can ruin artwork or antiques while a dry climate can ruin fine furniture.
5) Non-allowable items. A lot of countries have restrictions on what items are allowed across their borders, things like live animals, plants, drugs, weapons, etc. So, you need to find out what will be allowed to import into your new country and what items you will have to leave behind before you begin packing for your international relocation. It is a good idea to call the embassy of the country you are relocating to and ask about import restrictions, customs fees and other duties that might be relevant in your case.
Having thought about all these factors, you can finally organize your belongings and begin preparing them for transportation. Get hold of the appropriate packing supplies and make sure you create a full inventory of everything you are going to pack for moving to a new country. Decide on the fate of the rest of your belongings, throw away damaged, worn out, or useless things, sell or donate everything that is still in good condition, and put into storage all the belongings you want to keep but can not take with you.
Decide how to send your things to your new country
The next step is determining which of your things you will send with your moving company and which things will be packed in your luggage for immediate use. It is a good idea to keep all the essentials close at hand as the items you sent might take a long time to arrive in your new country.
1) Carry-on luggage
Your carry-on should include all the things you are going to need on the plane and immediately after you arrive at your destination. These things are important documents, laptop, phone, medicine, jewelry, some cash, a change of clothes, as well as the basic personal hygiene items.
Keep in mind that each airline has different rules regarding the size, weight, and type of carry-on allowed on board, so you need to get familiar with the regulations before you set out.
2) General luggage
Pack all the things you and your family are going to need to survive for a few weeks after the relocation in your luggage. These should contain weather-appropriate clothes and shoes for all family members, toiletries, towels, bedding, chargers, power cords, converters, books, toys, basic kitchen items and pet items if you have any pets.
3) Shipping by air
Shipping by air is expensive, but you might need some of your essential belongings to arrive at your new home within a few days after you relocate there. Just make sure you limit the things you ship by air to only the absolute essentials, specialized stuff you need for your work or studies, cookware, some more clothing and bedding, basic furnishing and other daily necessities.
4) Shipping by sea
Most of your household items will be shipped by sea freight or by moving trucks. Furniture, clothes, electronics, dishes, books, decorative items and everything else you have decided to take with you should be safely and efficiently packed for the long journey to your new country and entrusted to dependable international movers.
How to pack household belongings when moving abroad
Before making your final decisions and getting started on packing, take a closer look at our comprehensive packing checklist for moving overseas:
1) Clothing: Make sure the clothes and shoes you pack for your move abroad are appropriate for the weather conditions in the foreign country.
2) Fragile items: Wrap each piece in bubble wrap, put plenty of cushioning between the objects in one box, and ensure that the box itself is very sturdy, well padded, tightly sealed and reinforced with quality packing tape. Mark all the boxes containing fragile items as fragile.
3) Electronics and appliances: Keep in mind that moving large electronic devices and household appliances abroad is usually not worth the money and the trouble involved in the process. If you decide to take your electronics and appliances, then make sure that they are packed in suitably sized sturdy boxes and that the empty spaces are filled with anti-static packing peanuts or bubble wrap. Provide extra protection for the glass elements and screens, and secure any attached cables, wires, or hoses so that they do not move around during the transportation and cause damage to the item. Label the boxes as fragile and handle with care.
4) Furniture. Moving furniture abroad will cost you a fortune to ship, and the pieces themselves may easily get damaged in the process. If you wish to bring along some of your favorite pieces of furniture, then disassemble them as much as you can and protect all surfaces and protruding parts with furniture blankets, and other suitable materials.
5) Books. Pack your books flat in small boxes, make sure to wrap your more valuable books in packing paper first.
6) Toiletries. Toiletries and other liquids should be packed in sealable plastic bags and placed inside tight-sealing plastic boxes.
Remember that you will be able to buy most of what you will need in your new country. So, when packing for your international relocation, only take the items that are of monetary, practical, or sentimental value.
Moving to a new country is usually a very time consuming and challenging experience and in most cases can be near impossible without the help of a reliable and professional international moving company. Luckily for you, My International Movers is among the best moving companies in the country and can easily help make your relocation to your country of choice a relaxing and less stressful experience.
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