
Showing posts from 2016

Clutter Unwanted: Get Rid Of Stuff When Moving:

If you’ve lived under one roof for more than 5 years, then the chances are that you will be surrounded by a great number of material things that are supposed to make your life easier and more fun. In most cases, owning stuff defines who you are and what you are passionate about – you wouldn’t own a massive book collection if you didn’t like reading books, and you wouldn’t own a guitar if you showed no interest in music whatsoever, right? The accumulation of stuff is often inevitable – after all, what would a home look like without any pieces of furniture, furnishings, electric appliances, electronic equipment, and of course – your personal items that you prize so much? And naturally, things are perfectly fine until the moment comes when circumstances force you to move to another home, often in another city or a different state. For when it’s time to move house, you just can’t take all your possessions with you. Or to put it better, you can but you shouldn’t. Read to learn not o...

Coast To Coast Moving Made Easy: Must-Know Tips:

Coast to coast moving is anything but easy. As far as level of complexity and moving costs are concerned, only international moving can challenge it for the prize of the toughest type of residential moving. To help make things easier for you, and thus reduce the unhealthy build-up of stress, we have prepared this special selection of coast to coast moving tips to guide you through that very transitional period. Regardless of the east coast starting or destination points (Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Jacksonville, Miami, etc.) or the big west coast cities (Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, etc.), your best bet for “enjoying” a hassle-free and low-cost move across the country is 1) to be prepared for the challenge ahead through spot-on moving tips, and 2) to partner with one of the best coast to coast moving companies out there. Must-know coast to coast moving tips To get a taste of the specific challenges you will b...

5 Locks That Will Help Keep Your Valuables Safe During Your Move:

When you are moving there are a lot of security concerns to deal with. While in the transportation process, it's easy enough to lose your possessions, there is also the concern of theft. When you are moving, many onlookers are getting a good sense of what you own. This puts movers in at great   risk of burglary . The number of locations that the theft can take place also requires movers to protect a variety of doors and entrances. Each entry will need different considerations in order to achieve the highest level of security. 1. For Your Moving Van: Best 21B Padlock The moving van is not going to be a permanent part of your life, but while it is there, it's best to secure it. The 21B series of Best Access Systems padlocks is a good option for this purpose. It is accessible and provides strong security for an affordable price. The lock will stand up to most forced entry attacks. This lock already has a good level of security, but can be upgraded with a shroud...